Corresponding Web Notes: Tomorrow's Photovoltaic Solar Cells ( pptx
/ pdf / key)
Papers cited in lecture notes or used
in their preparation:
U.S. National Renewable Energy Lab annual tabulation of research
solar cell efficiency records - 2016 (link):

CIGS, CZTS and CZTSSe Thin Film Solar Cells:
Wikipedia's webpage about Copper Indium Gallium
Selenide - CIGS (link)
Wikipedia's webpage about Copper Zinc Tin Sulfide -
CZTS (link)
Dye Thin Film Solar Cells:
Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Progress and Future
Challenges, Y. Zhang et al., Energy and Environmental
Science 6, pp. 1443-1464, 2013 (link
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Perovskite Thin Film Dye Solar Cells:
Light and Shade of Perovskite Solar Cells, Michael
Grätzel, Nature Materials 13, pp. 838-842, November 2014 (link
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Perovskite Solar Cells: Progress and Advancements,
Elumalai et al., Energies 9, p. 861 (2016) (link
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Quantum Dot Solar Cells:
My Nanoscience Class notes explaining Quantum
Mechanic's trapped electron waves (pptx
/ pdf
/ key)
That note set's Resources Webpage with videos of wave
trapping - including Mythbusters video (link)
Recent Progress on Quantum Dot Solar Cells: A Review,
Sogabe et al., Photonics for Energy 6 (4), 040901 (2016) (link
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Colloidal Quantum Dot Based Solar Cells: From Materials
to Devices, Song & Jeong, Nano Convergence (2017)
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Multi-junction / Tandem Solar Cells:
Webpage about partially solar powered New York City apartment
village (link
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Webpage about NASA's interest in Multi-junction / Tandem PV to
power satellites / space stations (link
cached copy)
(I did not find broad and inclusive review papers
spanning this category of solar cell. My guess is that the
enormous breadth of possible multi-junction / tandem solar
cell designs has fragmented the research literature into
separate communities of authors)
Luminescent Solar Concentrators:
Wikipedia's webpage about Total Internal Reflection
A short tutorial on Fiber Optic Telecommunications
30 Years of Luminescent Solar Concentrator Research,
M.G. Debije & P.P.C. Verbunt, Advanced Energy Materials 2,
pp. 12-35 (2012) (link)
Doctor-blade Deposition of Quantum dots onto Standard
Window Glass for Low-loss Large-area Luminescent Solar
Concentrators, Li et al., Nature Energy 157, pp. 1-9
(2016) (link)
Near-Infrared Harvesting Transparent Luminescent Solar
Concentrators, Zhao et al., Advanced Optical
Materials 2, pp. 606-11 (2014) (link)
A review broadly defining metamaterials: Metamaterials
in Electromagnetics, Ari Sihvola, Metamaterials 1,
pp. 2-11 (2007) (link
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Silicon Based Semiconductor Heterostructures: Column
IV Bandgap Engineering, John C. Bean, Proceedings
of the IEEE 80 (4), pp. 571-587 (1992) (link
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Photonic Band-Gap Crystals, Eli
Yablonovitch, J. Physics of Condensed Matter 5, pp. 2243-60
(1993) (link
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Photonic Crystals in the Optical Regime - Past,
Present and Future, Kraus & de la Rue, Progress
in Quantum Electronics 23, pp. 51-96 (1999) (link
/ cached
My Nanoscience class note set on Microfabrication /
Micromachining (pptx
/ pdf
/ key)
My Nanoscience class note set on The Need for
Self-Assembly (pptx
/ pdf
/ key)
Review of the "other" Metamaterials
(subverting Maxwell's Equations via negative susceptibility or
Introduction to Metamaterials, Wartak et
al., Physics in Canada 67 (1), pp. 30-34 (2011) (link
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Theoretical Limits of Thermophotovoltaic Devices:
Absorber and Emitter for Solar Thermo-photovoltaic
Systems to Achieve Efficiency Exceeding the
Shockley-Queisser Limit, Rephaeli et al., Optics
Express 17(7), 15145 (2009) (link
/ cached
Design and Global Optimization of High-efficiency
Thermophotovoltaic Systems, Bermel et al., Optics
Express 18(S3), A314 (2010) (link
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Metamaterial-based Integrated Plasmonic
Absorber/Emitter for Solar Thermo-Photovoltaic Systems,
Wu et al., J. Optics 14, pp. 1-7 (2012) (link)
Thermophotovoltaic Device Papers / Reviews:
Solar Thermophotovoltaics — Getting To 80% Efficiency,
CleanTechica.com 2014 (link
/ cached
- NOTE: Despite its clickbait title, this technology news
article actually reports on how efficiencies were
topping out at 3.2% (far, far short of a predicted 80%
theoretical maximum)
Overview and Status of Thermophotovoltaic Systems,
Ferrari et al., Energy Proceedia 45, pp. 160-9 (2014) (link
/ cached
Prospects for High-Performance Thermophotovoltaic
Conversion Efficiencies Exceeding the Shockley–Queisser
Limit, Zhou et al., Energy Conversion &
Management 97, pp. 63-9 (2015) (link
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Near-field Radiative Thermoelectric Energy
Converters: A Review, Tervo et al. Front. Energy
12(1), pp. 5-21 (2018), 12(1) (link
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High-efficiency Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion
Enabled by a Metamaterial Selective Emitter, Woolf
et al., Optica 5(2), pp.213 (2018) (link
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Background paper for the preceding Woolf et al. report of
24.1% power conversion efficiency:
Heterogeneous Metasurface for High Temperature
Selective emission, D. Woolf et al., Appl. Phys.
Lett.105, 081110 (2014) (link
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MIT's Thermophotovoltaic Device:
A Nanophotonic Solar Thermophotovoltaic Device,
Lenert et al., Nature Nanotechnology 9 (2), pp. 126-30 (2014)
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copy of preprint)
MIT news article about the preceding paper: How to
tap the sun’s energy through heat as well as light (link
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Experimental Observation of an Extremely Dark
Material made by a Low-density Nanotube Array, Yang
et al,. Nano Letters 8 (2), pp. 446-51 (2008) (link)
Effective Medium Theory of the Optical Properties of
Aligned Carbon Nanotubes, Garcia-Vidal et al., Phys
Rev Lett 78(22), pp. 4289-92 (1997) (link)
John C. Bean (WeCanFigureThisOut.org)